K2 Brake Cleaner / Bromsrengöring 500 ml

  • 59 kr
  • 44 kr

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K2 Brake Cleaner / Bromsrengöring 500 ml

Säljes i 1-pack eller 12-pack


Spraya rikligt på komponentytan som ska rengöras.

Låt torka eller torka rent med en trasa.

Upprepa vid behov.

Se alltid till att ha tillräcklig ventilation under appliceringen.

Applicera inte på varma bromsar.

Doppa inte plast- eller gummikomponenter i lösningsmedlet.


Volym (L): 0,5

Artnr: W104

K2 BRAKE CLEANER is a super-efficient cleaner for brake system components. It cleans and degreases disc and drum brakes, clutches, metal surfaces, parts and tools. It removes dirt, oil, brake fluid and grease without leaving any residue. Contains no harmful chlorinated solvents. Reduces whistling and noise.


1. Spray soiled parts from approx. 20 cm.

2. Allow to evaporate completely or wipe with a clean, dry cloth. Repeat this procedure several times if necessary.

Warning: Do not use on polycarbonate plastics, do not wash rubber parts. It doesn’t contain any ingredients generally described as harmful to health.